Ticketing has been a rather contentious issue this week.

I don't know whether you've been planning on attending an Oasis concert next year but it seems that many fans have spent hours online or on the phone queuing for their access to this momentous event, only to discover that the price has, in some cases, tripled while they've been waiting to make their purchase.

Dynamic pricing, as this practice is called, is when businesses adjust their prices flexibly based on current market conditions. Airlines, hotels and taxi companies all use this model.

This week, the writer William Nicholson shared his personal experience of the practice when a hotel reservation in Berlin proved surprisingly expensive. He had booked his room months ago but, on checking in, was told a conference had since come to town. Accommodation was now at a premium so the hotels had responded by raising their prices. Nicholson found that he was being charged three times the price he had thought he had agreed.

Despite all this seeming very unfair, consumers do benefit from the practice through cut-price air fares and cheaper midweek hotel stays, the argument goes. Businesses just have to take care they don't push it too far.

So I'm pleased to say that we have a much better arrangement for my author events in Woodbridge! 

It's true the printmaker Angela Harding, while wonderful and well worth meeting, is not in the same league as Oasis, but there are two price points for her visit to The Riverside in a few weeks' time.

There is an 'early bird' price where a discounted ticket is available if you can make your booking right away. Knowing that I have an audience for Angela and that you have the date in the diary is such a help to me in organising the event

But even the regular price is a bargain - Angela's new book is priced at £25, but if you come along to hear her at The Riverside, you will have your entry to the event, plus the book to take home, all for the same price £25.

All the details for this event are listed below so please do scroll down and follow the link to The Riverside to reserve your place.

However please note the date!

Angela is now coming a couple of weeks' later than the date I indicated last week. She will be speaking on the afternoon of Sunday 1 December.

If you have ever purchased one of Angela's stunning advent calendars, this seems the perfect date. We'll be opening the first door of the calendar and Angela is sure to get us in the mood for Christmas (I know, it does seem far too early to be speaking about Christmas, particularly when we're having a lovely sunny spell, and that's why I'll be so grateful if you are able to book your tickets now!)

Thank you for reading.