Well, Prince Harry is going ahead with his memoir. Called 'Spare', it will be released in January. We'll have to wait and see whether the content is as explosive as is anticipated (hoped?!).

And it's interesting that in the same week, the distributor of 'The Crown' has made an announcement. It seems viewers are taking its stories of royal life behind the scenes too literally. A disclaimer is therefore being added to the new series stressing that this is a "fictional dramatisation", "inspired by real-life events".

Meanwhile the life of the 19th century novelist and poet Emily Bronte has been reinterpreted for a new film, called 'Emily', released this month. In the absence of a detailed biography, what will 'Wuthering Heights' fans make of the assumption that Emily had an affair with her father's curate? 

Oh, and in the summer there was a film about the life of Marilyn Monroe which used the novel by Joyce Carol Oates as its inspiration so, again, imagining events in the film star's life.

It can all get very confusing, this mixing of fact and fiction and when real life seems dramatic enough, do we need to imagine it to be more extreme and eventful?! How damaging is it to the memory of the people involved, and the family and friends still living?

It can be reassuring then to get back to 'make believe' and we'll be doing that in our next book group meeting as we discuss the charming tale 'Mrs Harris Goes to Paris'. Conceived in 1958 as a novella, it was released a few weeks ago as a film. Have the actors, director and producer added to our enjoyment of the story with their interpretation? Or do we sometimes need to preserve a precious book in our own imagination? 

Thank you for reading.