After a spell of book adaptations making the big screen, this summer's blockbusters are a mix of action heroes, comic fantasy and biographical thriller. So I was interested to read an article by the broadcaster and novelist Simon Mayo recently as he introduced his latest venture.

In the time of Mozart, Mayo was told, successful and popular books wouldn't be turned into films (obviously) but instead they became operas.

It's hard to think that trend will be replicated today. But it could happen...

Simon Mayo's bestselling book 'Itch', the first of a trilogy, has just opened in London as a family opera. 

It's an intriguing idea and having read and thoroughly enjoyed 'Itch', I'm very disappointed that I won't get to see this performance. 

Like most of Simon Mayo's books it is a high concept thriller, brilliantly executed in terms of plot, characterisation, pace and drama. It would be incredible to see how it translates onto the stage and in music.

There have been other musical presentations of children's stories, usually for the younger audience. Author illustrator James Mayhew tells and draws stories on stage as an orchestra plays and the children's writer, actor and BBC announcer Zeb Soanes reads stories alongside musical accompaniment. He has also created a musical adaptation of his children's stories about 'Gaspard the Fox'.

It will be interesting to see how 'Itch' the opera is received, and what other book adaptations might follow. 

Thank you for reading.