Well, we've got a new government!  

And there certainly seems a welcome spirit of hope and optimism among us all in having this change. 

The nation's mood wasn't hurt by England finally winning on penalties last night either!

Change isn't always seen as positive, though, and can often be difficult to handle.

When times are tough, it's good to have something to take us out of ourselves. Watching sport - or theatre or music - with others can be an intense, communal and companionable activity. 

In our event at The Riverside tomorrow evening we'll be joining together to meet former elite athlete Iwan Thomas as he presents his autobiography 'Brutal', telling us about his life in sport, the adoration, support and success, and how he coped when it all came to an end.

I hope you'll be coming along for what promised to be an inspiring and stimulating conversation, with a fabulous book to take home with you afterwards.

There's still time to get your ticket if you're thinking of coming along - you can book online here: www.theriverside.co.uk.

Thank you for reading.