Our relationship with technology continues to bring new challenges and surprises. This week the BBC Weather service had 'a technical glitch' where the daily temperature forecast for the whole country for a whole week was a constant seven degrees.
Even though the error was acknowledged on news reports and a presenter noted that the screen behind him was displaying unseasonal, incorrect numbers, nothing was done to change or remove the information.
And if the powers-that-be thought it was unnecessary to remove the dodgy information because it was so obviously wrong, one woman in Wales proved that some people blindly follow their trusted sources of information.
Happily interviewed for the radio news, this woman explained how she had overdressed for her working day. She was so reliant on the BBC Weather app each day that she dressed for winter and was prepared to tell the nation how uncomfortably hot she became as a result.
There was a time when we'd choose what to wear by drawing back the curtains and assessing for ourselves what the day had to offer. Or if we wanted to plan ahead, we'd follow some 'old wives' tales' by hanging seaweed outside the door, watch when cows lie down in a field or take note of a red sky in the morning.
People who worked outside in the elements were sometimes sought for their opinions - farmers, fishermen, and sometimes wise women in a community, those who worked with herbs and plants.
We'll be finding out about these intuitive women of centuries past when we meet novelist Margaret Meyer on Tuesday as she tells us about the inspiration behind her new book 'The Witching Tide'. It's sure to be a fascinating evening.