It's been a lovely weekend for festival-goers at FolkEast. Just the right amount of sun and shade, a little light rain overnight but nothing to spoil the fun of camping out in the fields at Glemham Hall listening to the music, eating the great food, watching the various crafts and activities and meeting with friends. 

The author events I hosted for Halesworth Bookshop went wonderfully well. Taking place on The Stage at the Far Side of the Woods and in the book tent itself, the audiences were attentive and appreciative and the speakers were beautifully eloquent, open and honest as they talked with passion and enthusiasm about their books.

Though I was rather focused on my interviews, it was still a lovely break from routine to be out in the open air and following a different schedule for the day. Time seemed altered in some way too, and the demands of emails and messages felt less pressing! I didn't go so far as to be without my phone though. One author arrived realising that she had left home without hers and felt very much in limbo, and reliant on others to relay messages about rendezvous and so on! 

It was interesting to hear from Matt Gaw then, as he talked about his book 'In All Weathers'. He encouraged us to turn off our devices and to pause in our busy lives to become more attuned to the natural world, particularly the weather. If we stop and appreciate the wind and the rain, the fog and the ice with all our senses, and become present in the moment, it can be a very powerful and restorative experience, he said. Though, on this occasion, it felt a little like we were humouring him as we sat there enjoying glorious sunshine.

Thank you for reading.