As the nights are drawing in and we are beginning to feel the change of season, it feels a good time to make our reading a sociable occasion, meeting together for a book group discussion.

Last week we gathered in Framlingham to talk about 'Birnam Wood' by Eleanor Catton. It was a lively discussion and we had all enjoyed this page-turner to keep us busy over the summer, but the author didn't deliver everything we were hoping for, it seems. And there was a strong concensus of opinion on this book. Have you read it? What did you think?

A week tomorrow we'll be meeting again in Woodbridge to talk about our summer read which was 'In Memoriam' by Alice Winn. And I'm sure we'll have something to say about the Booker shortlist announcement too. If you are hoping to come along to this meeting, please let me know by replying to this email so that I know how many of us will be there. 

It's so lovely to meet in person to talk about books but I was interested to see that Cambridge University Library has an online book group discussion which launched this month. Called The Really Popular Book Club it presents familiar titles for discussion and invites an expert (who isn't the author) to share their perspective on the themes of the novel. In October the book will be 'Mr Loverman' by Bernadine Evaristo, and other titles include 'The Poisonwood Bible' and 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'. Take a look at the website for the list of books, and the experts who will be attending. It's an interesting idea, I think. 

Thank you for reading.