My weekend has been spent at the Felixstowe Book Festival where I've had the pleasure and privilege of interviewing the barrister Michael Mansfield, AI guru Nigel Toon, novelist (and psychotherapist) Emily Howes and theatre director Dominic Dromgoole.

It's always fascinating meeting authors but this time I've been treated to people who have successful careers in addition to their writing.  

And it's been as inspiring as always but with a call to action throughout.

With our world seeming a very challenging place at the moment and its problems too big for 'the little people' to influence, it's been good to be reminded once again that we can, and should, make a difference.

Complaining about our politicians isn't good enough - we must vote! And if it's still not good enough, we should act - look at how Alan Bates is bringing the Post Office to book and there are citizens' assemblies working in Wales. Be indignant not indifferent, says Michael Mansfield.

Worrying about the encroaching tread of technology is pointless. Instead we should get better informed and be more selective in our choices, then press decisionmakers to be involved on our behalf. There are exciting opportunities ahead with AI if we manage it correctly, says Nigel Toon. 

Even watching the theatre, film, television or any of the arts - our response as an audience matters and ultimately has more sway than that of any small group of select or elite viewers, says Dominic Dromgoole. So let's support local theatre and artistic endeavours.

But in all of these presentations, there has been such a pleasure  in meeting in person. The connection between audience and speaker, and the sense of the shared experience with uninterrupted and focused attention is always very special.

So, in eight days' time we'll be hearing from champion athlete Iwan Thomas about the challenges he's faced and overcome in his career, and the lessons he has to share. If you heard him speak on BBC Radio Suffolk on Friday you'll know we have a treat in store! Come and meet him in person at The Riverside Woodbridge!

Thank you for reading.