Monthly Book Group
Each month I host an open meeting in Woodbridge in Suffolk. We used to meet in the town's bookshop but now gather together in a nearby hall. We usually focus on modern fiction and the discussion regularly attracts around 20 people, men and women, of all ages. Everyone is welcome to join in but please let me know you are planning on coming along. Sign up to the e-newsletter here to receive details. Scroll down to take a look at the titles we've read over the year, and view the archive for past discussions.
NEW - Book Group in Framlingham at Ottie and the Bea - details here
Woodbridge Book Group List for 2011
Despite meeting on Halloween, this ghost story wasn't considered scary enough!
A stunning book which presented slapstick caricatures and horrific realism. It provoked strong reactions in an animated discussion.
Most felt cheated by the ending and a lack of conclusion to earlier stories, but the book provoked a good discussion.
Despite its disturbing subject matter, most were able to overcome their discomfort and agreed this was a clever and compelling read.
A big book which few understood, so difficult to discuss in any depth. All held preconceptions about Rushdie, the man, which weren't dispelled during the meeting.
Despite the release of the film, the discussion for this classic attracted our lowest attendance ever!
Much more than the blurb on the cover - beautiful descriptions, sensual colours, powerful presentations of sultry summers and freezing wastelands.
Everyone found something to enjoy in this award-winning novel, but not all found it a life-changing read.
Woodbridge Shufflers running club joined the discussion of a memoir which most found inspiring and revealing.