Monthly Book Group
Each month I host an open meeting in Woodbridge in Suffolk. We used to meet in the town's bookshop but now gather together in a nearby hall. We usually focus on modern fiction and the discussion regularly attracts around 20 people, men and women, of all ages. Everyone is welcome to join in but please let me know you are planning on coming along. Sign up to the e-newsletter here to receive details. Scroll down to take a look at the titles we've read over the year, and view the archive for past discussions.
NEW - Book Group in Framlingham at Ottie and the Bea - details here
Woodbridge Book Group List for 2007
A vivid insight into the politics of Nigeria, enjoyed by most of the group.
A murder mystery with great characterisation and humour. The women loved it, the men hated it - they wanted more plot and less introspection.
Not a great work of literature, but some in the group enjoyed it so resulting in a good discussion.
A light thriller full of cliches and inconsistencies. There was some humour, but overall this wasn't liked.
Members of the group who also read Howard's End, the inspiration for this book, were enthusiastic in their praise of both books!
Full of anticipation for this author, this was not well received.
Quite different from 'Cloud Atlas', many were surprised that they enjoyed this book.