My book review of 'Rural Hours' by Harriet Baker

by Harriet Baker
Rural Hours
by Harriet Baker

This is a beautifully presented book with its colourful Bloomsbury spine and the black and white pictures throughout of the three women in question. And it's a delightful read.

It tells the story of Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Townsend Warner and Rosamond Lehmann as they moved to the country and how rural life changed them.

They each experienced personal difficulties in making the move - ill health, relationship issues. And they were each worried about their work. But the landscape, the natural environment and the different rhythms of life caused them to heal and grow in all aspects, professionally and personally.

The author recreates episodes in the women's lives and her descriptions are vivid and intriguing. I found this to be a wonderful escape from our modern world and inspiring to step into the world of these pioneering writers. And the author invites us all 'to recognise the radical and creative potential of the country, and find new enchantment in the rituals of each day'.


Date of this review: August 2024
Book publication date: 4th April 2024