My book review of 'You don't know what war is' by Yeva Skalietska

by Yeva Skalietska
Recommended age: 11+
You don't know what war is
by Yeva Skalietska

This is the diary of 12-year-old Yeva who is a refugee of the war in Ukraine.

It is blunt, to the point, without hyperbole and is powerful and distressing.

There are transcripts of text messages with friends elsewhere and photographs too.

Yeva told a visiting television crew from the UK about her diary and they were instrumental in arranging for her and her family to escape to Ireland where publication of her story was arranged.

This is a stunning book giving this child's perspective of conflict. We have always been able to imagine what children face in these situations, but this makes it very clear.

Though Yeva writes in simple straightforward text, it is still a difficult read emotionally which it would be good for adults to read alongside the young person.

Date of this review: January 2023
Book publication date: 25th October 2022