My book review of 'The Smile Shop' by Satoshi Kitamura

by Satoshi Kitamura
Recommended age: 4+
The Smile Shop
by Satoshi Kitamura

The distinctive style of this award-winning artist was recognised in a nomination for the Kate Greenaway Medal a few years ago and the gentle humour and intricate detail is very appealing, with a powerful message about kindness running through.

A young boy is planning how to spend his first ever pocket money and he walks through the town's market and high street exploring all the shops and stalls.

But then he drops his money and he's left with only one coin. He hasn't got enough to buy anything now. Despondent, he turns a corner and sees a Smile Shop ahead and goes in hoping that at least he'll be able to buy a smile. 

The shopkeeper has a surprise for the boy, though, as he explains how we exchange a smile.

It's a fun book with the illustrations reminding me of 'Mr Benn' by David McKee. It's aimed at children under five.

Date of this review: July 2024
Book publication date: 1st February 2024