Details for 'But What Can I Do?' by Alistair Campbell

But What Can I Do?

by Alistair Campbell
Rich with information, observation and instruction, this book encourages us all to become more politically engaged.
But What Can I Do?
by Alistair Campbell
My review:

Alastair Campbell has had an extraordinary rise in profile and popularity from his days as Tony Blair's 'spin doctor' and all that that entailed, to his columns in 'The European' newspaper, his books and articles about coping with depression, and his most recent phenomenal success in 'The Rest is Politics' podcasts with former Conservative MP Rory Stewart.

For anyone bewildered by the state of our nation, and indeed the world, at present, the title of the book and its subtitle - why politics has gone so wrong, and how you can help fix it - certainly strikes a chord.

And this book is rich with information, observation and instruction.

Do you recognise and understand how and why our world is polarised? Do you know what is meant by 'populism'? Do you appreciate that the time we are living is all about 'post-truth'?

Campbell begins by unpacking these three 'P's and also explaining the demise of democracy, the threat of facism and the perils of disengagement. 

It is instructive, fascinating and, at times, terrifying reading. He writes with ease and clarity, with passion and conviction. I felt so much better informed and equipped after reading this first section of the book and determined to do as he says and become more engaged.

The book continues with advice on how to put good intentions into practice. He explains how to resist cynicism and become a team player, and a leader, and a strategist, and a campaigner. And ultimately he outlines what is needed to get involved in politics. 

This book is a rallying call and so timely. It is inspiring, uplifting and energising and his arguments are such that it's clear that we don't get involved at our peril.

Date of my review June 2024
Book publication date: 18th January 2024