Details for 'Watch Her Fall' by Erin Kelly

Watch Her Fall

by Erin Kelly
You'll feel you're doing pirouettes with all the plot twists in this thriller set in the obsessive and toxic world of a Russian ballet company. Is anyone as they seem?
Watch Her Fall
by Erin Kelly
My review:

Ava Kirilova has reached the pinnacle of her career as the principle dancer with the London Russian Ballet Company. Her father may be the director but there is no favouritism here. It has taken years of pain and sacrifice, but even now she is unable to enjoy her success. It is a precarious position in this viciously competitive and toxic environment and injury is something they all fear above all.  

Set in five acts, with different perspectives throughout, this is a complicated plot where the reader feels the rug pulled from under them time and again. You can't put it down because you're desperate to find out just what is going on! Masterfully handled!

Date of my review February 2021
Book publication date: 1st April 2021