Details for 'Humankind' by Rutger Bregman


by Rutger Bregman
Throughout history we've been taught that humans are inherently selfish and motivated by self-interest. But is it really the case?
by Rutger Bregman
My review:

Throughout history we've been taught that humans are inherently selfish and motivated by self-interest. But is it really the case?

This extraordinary new book seeks to dispel many of the theories that have shaped our society, and aims to illustrate instead that we are essentially good.

A very readable, upbeat and engaging account, it is full of encouragement and optimism.

It tells us what we can learn from a real-life 'Lord of the Flies' event, a New York murder, a Siberian fox farm, and how individuals have led to astonishing outcomes when challenging how we run prisons, schools and businesses.

It's time for a new view of human nature, he argues.

Date of my review November 2020